
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Click a logo in this section to sign up or download software.

Payment Processors:
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PhotobucketDo Your Homework!

Check out what others are saying before investing too much time or money into a site.
Besides seeking out information on your own, there are several sites that specialize in money making news.

Here's one of the more popular ones: Photobucket

And here's a couple of helpful forums:

Been Paid Forum and Get Paid Forum

Surf Safely

Surfing the internet, and going to new websites is kind of like exploring a tropical paradise island.....there's many fantastic and wonderful things to find, but there's also hidden dangers waiting in the shadows to attack you and your system.
First of all, when surfing the internet, make sure that you're using a pop-up blocker. most browsers already have a pop-up blocker located somewhere in their "tools" menu.
you might want to find it, just to make sure you know where it is, and to make sure it's not disabled.

Another must have piece of software is a good anti-virus.there are many different anti-virus programs out there, here are a couple of the more popular free ones: Photobucket Photobucket
Important: Do Not Run More Than One Anti-Virus Program On Your Computer!

McAfee SiteAdvisor is a little box that sits on your's kind of like a traffic signal. Usually it's green, which means safe to go...If it turns yellow use caution...If it turns red, you might want to consider not going to that site, You can click on it and it will give you a report of the site you're on.

For more security software, or other cool downloads for your computer:

Photobucket"Words Of Wisdom" from SconiBear

Don't get discouraged! Although it can get kind of frustrating, some times a site that you have been clicking at will just disappear one day.
This could be for several reasons...They were on a bad server, they couldn't afford to keep the site running, or the worst case, they were just dishonest, took in as much money as they could, and ran off, probably to open another site under a different name.

That's why you should research...find the sites that are well established, and that other people are talking about, and have proofs of payment.

Of course it's nice to get into a good site when they first start out so you do have to take some risks, but...and this is very important...DO NOT give them any money for upgrades or whatever until they've paid you at least a couple of times. That way, if they do shut down, all you've lost is a little of your time.

Some advice about your daily e-mails:

Unless you actually went to that country, and filled out, or mailed in some type of entrance form or raffle ticket...YOU DID NOT WIN THE NIGERIAN LOTTERY!!! or whatever country the scammers are using this week.

Unless it's that odd little man you gave a ride to when he ran out of gas, and he turned out to actually be a multi-millionaire...or it's a friend or a relative...YOU DID NOT INHERIT A LARGE SUM OF MONEY!!!

If you find yourself putting checkmarks in page after page of "yes" or "no" boxes with offers to sign up to different companies or subscribe to magazines, YOU ARE NOT TAKING A SURVEY!!! and you'll never get that $500.00 gift card, or dinner at Red Lobster. or whatever else they're trying to bait you a matter of fact, the only thing you'll get is some mystery company's charge on your phone me, I know this from personal experience.

Which brings me to the next thing...unless it's a company you trust, or somebody you know, DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR PHONE NUMBER, or any other personal information for that matter.

And most importantly, use common sense and trust your gut instinct...and i can't say it enough...RESEARCH!...RESEARCH!...RESEARCH! Before committing yourself to any company, try to find out as much information as you can about them.

And always remember the old saying..."If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is."

Thanks for visiting "SconiBear's Cash Cave"
Now get out there and make some money!!!.....Hope to see you soon!

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